Stock Assault 2.0 Review

Stock Assault 2.0 Review

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Stock Assault 2.0 Review

If you watch CNBC and other financial news networks then you’ve probably heard the name Jason Kelly before. He actually created quite a stir a couple of years ago when he was interviewed about some new ‘artificial intelligence’ he had created which scoured the stock markets looking for small to large cap stocks which were about to break out. Why he focused on these sized equities in the stock market rather than the tiny micro/penny stocks, or other markets such as currency exchange (forex) is explained later in this review.

Needless to say, he had created a buzz not because his ‘artificial intelligence’ was failing each time, but because the damn thing kept getting it right. He called it ‘Stock Assault version 1.0’.

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial intelligence is really the latest in information technology, the one which the naysayers warn will eventually take over the world like the cataclysms depicted in Hollywood movies such as ‘The Terminator’. The truth of course is nothing like that (touch wood), but it is something being heavily researched by some of the largest of the world’s technology based organizations (e.g. Google) to improve information products and services.

Artificial intelligence is computer programming which attempts to mimic human thinking. Imagine cars which drive you while you sit and read the morning newspapers, or televisions which offer shows it knows you’ll like, or your refrigerator telling you what to eat so you stick to a balanced diet.

Jason Kelly claims to have invented/programmed an artificial intelligence which scans the stock market and ‘thinks’ which stock is about to break out and then tells you about it. After the stock has broken out it ‘thinks’ when is a good time to sell the stock and tells you about that too. You make the trades as suggested and you walk away with a handsome profit almost every time. I say ‘almost’ because even artificial intelligence can’t get it right 100% of the time. I’d guess that’s something being worked on but for the time being we have to settle for most of the time.

Jason Kelly’s product which has now evolved into Stock Assault 2.0 does this by ‘scalping’ these trades. In other words it helps you to make multiple trades taking a few percent profit each time. Occasionally on a bigger breakout you can make gains of 30% to 50%, but most of the time it’s small single percent gains.

That’s not a problem by the way, as enough small single percent gains add up to large gains, although you’d need to use a large enough risk capital to make a profit after brokerage fees and the like are taken into account.

The other issue with scalping like this is it’s not something you can do practically if you use a human broker for your trading. You’d need to be on the phone almost all day as many of the trades mean being able to get in and get out in a few days, sometimes in just hours. Users of Stock Assault 2.0 need to have their own online trading accounts with platforms such as eTrade. If you don’t and you intend to give Stock Assault 2.0 a try then you’ll definitely need to get one.

Stock Assault 2.0 focuses on small to mid to occasionally large cap stocks rather than microcaps (under US$5) and penny stocks (under US$1). This is because those tiny stocks can go down by very large percentages very quickly and in most cases take the unsuspecting independent traders with them. Unless you’re signed up with one of the better penny stock newsletters (such as Penny Stock Egghead) you’ll end up losing your shirt every time.

Similarly, it does not work with foreign currency exchange (forex) markets as these are too heavily driven by influences which cannot be predicted with any accuracy. Despite what you may read on the internet there are not many rich independent forex traders. Only rich forex corporations which thrive off of the losses of the small guys.

Results from Stock Assault 2.0 have been surprisingly good. Out of 100 trades made we secured a profit on 97 of them. Profits varied from 0.42% at the low end to 15.8% at the high end. The largest loss we had was 1.73% which did not include the transaction fees. Needless to say your results will not be the same as ours. It will depend on which stock you decide to play and when you get in and get out. However in principal we were very please with the results we got from Stock Assault 2.0 and we would safely recommend anyone to give it a try.

Like us, the safest thing to do is to try it for a few weeks using ‘dummy trades’. These are trades where you go through the process of choosing one or two of the stocks recommended by Stock Assault 2.0 and making a trade without actually using real money. At the end of your testing period see whether you have made paper gains (and if so how much) or whether you have made paper losses (and if so how much).

If you are satisfied with the result then go ahead and try using real money. One of the biggest mistakes we see is people who are too impatient to go through this process and jump straight in. If you decide to try Stock Assault 2.0 then please don’t be foolish or greedy like that or you’ll end up wishing you hadn’t. It takes a while to get a feel for it and to be honest even though Stock Assault 2.0 may suggest a stock, you could have your own reasons why you don’t like the choice and you should follow your instincts rather than blindly trust what you are being told.

After all, ‘artificial intelligence’ is still in its infancy and your brain will (and for many years to come) be more ‘intelligent’ than any computer programming. Additionally to try a software like this once or twice, make a loss then brand it a scam is neither being fair to yourself or the software. You need to give the program enough time to pan out.

It is also recommended that you take a look at the demo version so you can see for yourself what the Stock Assault interface looks like and whether it is some you could work with. It would be pointless getting the product, installing it and finding out even before you start testing (or trading) with it that it is not something you could work with from the get go.

Stock Assault 2.0 Conclusion

Finally, Stock Assault 2.0 comes with a full 60 day money back guarantee. This guarantee is underwritten by their Payment processor (Clickbank Inc. of Idaho, USA) which takes the money for the payment and passes that on to the merchant less fees. If you put in for a refund, Clickbank will give you your money back straightway and claw that back from the vendor from future sales. All you have to do is make sure you put in for a refund (using the link they give you in your purchase confirmation email) within 60 days. Plenty of time for you to trial the software using dummy trades, and put if for a refund if it doesn’t work for you.

It’s worth pointing out that even though the refund rate for Stock Assault 2.0 is extremely low (under 0.1%) there are still some who don’t like it for one reason or another so it’s obviously not perfect. As with all these things, make sure it suitable for you before you go ahead an try it.

Click here to learn more about Stock Assault 2.0